Sunday, May 20, 2007

Make Money Giving Freebies Away!

Attract visitors to your web site or blog by
including offers for FREE items in your email
or online promotions. Then monitize your web
site or blog using Google Adsense or some
other pay per click advertising.

You can find free items to use all over the
internet. Some of the best are ebooks. Just
do a Google search for free ebooks. The best
ones to use are rebrandable ebooks where you
can have the ebook rebranded with your very
own information to include your name, links to
your own offers and affiliate programs. etc.
Again, just do a Google search for rebrandable

For a quick start, you can use the FREE ebook
available from this blog (also rebrandable) by
request to include the information asked for....
located in the upper left side panel or by clicking
this link

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